Saturday, August 26, 2017

Chnaged by my 1st visit to China

And I am changed again
Molded with each experience

As I am changed again
Each acts as the potters hands

As a liquid conforms to the vessel
As clay responds to the hand

And I am changed again
and again and again and again

Changed by 1st trip to China

Thoughts After a Funeral

The Flame

Today I viewed a Friend of MIne
Her spirit gone
Shell Left behind

I observed in state she lay
Concrete walls
Within she’ll stay

Sealed airtight, safe and alone
That fragile shell
Of Skin and None

When Pluto makes his call for me
I ask you please
Don’t bury me

Don’t cover me with clay and stone
Free my atoms
From this fleshy home

I ask for fire that consumes the flesh
I have no desire
For a natural rest

Prometheus will dine on me
And spread my ash
On air land and ea

My molecules and atoms swarm
On sooty plume
Of air so warm
Mariah acts now as my guide
Eagles soar
Now at my side

Freed then from the bonds of birth
My atoms will
Encircle earth

The air you breathe, the clouds you see
Shall all
Bear molecules of me

So give me fire to cleanse this shell
The flame of heaven
Not that of hell

And everything that you can see
Will be a bit
Of the soul of me

Thursday, August 24, 2017

early to rise while you sleep

Cursed, I am, to rise well before the sun
Living another life before others rise

So, I piddle, I sweat, I think, I run
Before seeing another set of open eyes

In the cool, dark solitude of morning
I imagine you drifting in oceans of sleep

Softly breathing, tangled in covering
Sighs and soft smiles as dreams slowly creep from the deep

Pretty feet and painted toes peek from sheets
Bathe you as night begrudgingly yields to the day

And I sit, breathing deep, as my pulse beats
Recede, Bands of light inch across where you lay

Reluctantly freed from a dream’s deep water
My sweat has cooled, I rise to face Come-What-may

My thoughts turn to you, the mermaid’s daughter
Rising to join the chaos of another new day

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

the temple

Whose hand placed this stone?
How many hands
Now only memory and dust,
Laid hands upon this stone?

Whose sweat marked this stone?
With effort under the sun
Or with effort for the gods?
Whose belief wet this stone?

Whose blood stained this stone?
In a city of pain, sacrifice
A gift to feed ancient gods
As their blood stained the stones

my dancer

Her delicate profile
Etched in
Cameo porcelain
A blush rises at her cheek

She does not walk
She glides
Into the room
Like a cool summer breeze

Perfectly she moves
Like a dancer
Her arms gracefully arch

She floats from one position
To another
Like a river
Flows effortlessly by

She cannot contain it
The dance
It moves her
In joyous release